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Pakistan Movement (1887 to 1947)

Here are my reflections on Khurram Ali Shafique's articles published in Dawn Friday Feature 'For a common Destiny'.

Seek Consensus (from 1887 to 1906)

(The complete article written by Khurram Shaffique Seek Consensus)

The representatives of 'the largest Muslim community in any one country' seemed to redefine a number of things for the coming times.

A new sense of Nation was developed, where every member of this National community enjoyed not only the right of choice and freedom of speech but was also heard and given equal importance.

The means through which the Nation was kept together were based on purely educational lines. In the sessions of the Conference Muslims from all over British India interacted with each other through 'poetry, lectures and debates' thus using Education in the most practical parametres for the Society to develop.

Even Religion found new dimensions in this one act of bringing the whole Nation together. And the most practical form of Relgious involvement for the development of any society in the present times was exhibited.

So can we say that this stage in the 'the present phase in the history of the development of Muslim thought in the subcontinent' was that of redefining different factors which had an effect on Muslim society and consequently on the Muslim thought? On these latest definitions was the building of Muslim thought to stand in the coming times. This redefinition aided in achieving the goal in 1906.

Think Long Term (from 1907 to 1926)

(The complete article written by Khurram Shaffique Think Long Term )

Without having the power to safeguard their own interests, a vaccum could envelope the newly found Muslim nationhood. It now seems that the definitions set earlier demanded the Nation to make a place for themselves in the country they lived in, from where they could experiment and spread their newly found ideals and hence develop their thoughts and line of action further.

Although general elections had yet not come still the masses who had attended the sessions of Educational conference were aware of the value of their thoughts in the Life of their Nation. Perhaps that was the reason they showed their concerns for the question of separate electorates.

And to achieve this goal they were ready to put in every effort they could (from supporting Non-cooperative movement to boycott the elections of 1922)

And I think Sir Syed's advice of not entering poilitics was for a nation which still had to 'seek consensus'. Without achieving this consensus there was every possibility of politics leading the Nation astray from achieving purposeful Unity. The Nation was now ready to take its political decisions in its own hands.

Rise Above yourself (from 1927 to 1947)

(The complete article written by Khurram Shaffique Rise Above Yourself)

At times giving space to varying and opposing views can give an impression that there is no Consensus or Unity existing.

As far as I think perhaps this led to the results of 1926 election when 'no single party had emerged as common leader of the entire Muslim community'.

But when the Muslims confronted a threat to their National Life, they showed the same Unity as in the last stage.

Selflessness, the next goal, demanded not the renouncing of one's thoughts but channelising them so that the whole Nation could get benefits by it.

Without achieving Consensus and developing a say in their own matters (as in the elections of 1926) Selflessness was imposible to attain and it served as a development of the Thoughts on the basis of definitions adopted nearly 60 years back.

From achieving Largest Consensus in History, to the historic turnout in the elections of 1926 and now developing a unique example of Selflessness, Muslims of India helped discover new depths in the Religion, new possibilities in politics and now they showed the world traits in Human character in their most fresh form (through Selflessness).

So from 1887 to 1947 Pakistan Movement was in a way a revolution of thoughts, of mode of action and finally the evolution of Man to the highest degree of character where selflessness and sacrifices shapes the form of the 'ideal human being' with ideal traits.


  1. It seems yu are a scholar of history basically .History is a subject which is perpetually interprted and reinterpreted continually . So many of the events in the world history are interpreted as newer evidences are discovered .consequently our views change about the events .Facts only cannot make a history .Its how we look at those facts make today's history textbook which presumably can change as we advance. Hope I am not trespassing miss.

  2. Thanks for your comment Amiya!
    I believe History has an impact which is long-lasting (in some cases ever-lasting). And as new impacts unfolds, our understanding also grows. And let me add, I am no scholar by any means... these are mere reflections from a thinking mind!
    Thank you for dropping by! Keep coming :)

  3. An elaborate reflection from science scholar turned historian :)

  4. hmm...I think I made a comment before too but somehow you didn't get it...

    I just wanted to congratulate you on your successful interpretation of Shafique Sahib's lectures....

    Good Work !

  5. i guess thats what makes history so interesting is that we have so many perspectives to look into!
    The history is vaster than we realise and more interesting than we all assume!!
    Read the original articles and found them genuinely interesting and worth a read!
    Unlike what we used to read in traditional text books and plus the fact that the section of our history always attracted me the most and thus made ur interpretation of the articles and the original article a fun filled informative experience!

  6. @ Akhtar sahab your comment made me smile :) Thanks for reading the post!

    @ Thinking
    Oh I feel sorry for not getting ur previous comment and Thanks a lot for ur praises. It's a source of motivation for me :) Thanks for commenting again. Keep coming!

  7. @Hayder
    very true that 'The history is vaster than we realise and more interesting than we all assume'.
    and its a PLEASANT SURPRISE for me that the section of our HISTORY has an attraction for u! I always thought its the opposite :P LOL jokes apart, your words depict thoughfulness!
    and its my pleasure to share my views with u! Hope u continue enjoying history like this! :)

  8. So many of the events in the world history are interpreted as newer evidences are discovered


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