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Secrets of Life are reflected in each and every individual, even in a single grain of Sand. However in order to unlock the box of secrets, one need to use Love as one’s key!
As a child I used to think that soil is just a motionless and lifeless creature, and no matter what attitude I keep towards it, it is never going to react against me.
With some consideration I realized that my apprehension has some flaws as Soil has a flow of Life within itself.
Birth is the most important aspect of Life without which Life do not exist. I figured out that soil provides the basis of Birth for both individuals and their societies. Just like it provides nitrates to the plants for making proteins, it acts as a support to the birth of societies and civilizations. Without Land Man could never erect the foundations of Culture.
After birth, growth is a vital aspect of Life. My mind questioned about the way soil grows and the answer came when I took into account the many plants and insects thriving in the bosom of soil. I followed a close link it has with the growth of societies. Land helped man expand his imaginations and discover the treasures of Art, Literature and Music. This aided Man plant his roots well in the medium of Life.
Desire to Change follows growth on the avenue of Life. I wondered how the soil particles were fulfilling this requirement of Life! This query led me to discover a strange co-relation between Life and Change. On its journey of Life, Lead yearns to become Gold. Two different entities becoming One is something strange, yet too powerful to ignore. Lead learns from its history the secrets of Life and takes their help in order to conquer the soul and body of Gold. Similarly soil from its experience learns and arranges itself sometimes as a strong wall and sometimes as a sacred statue. When the same soil gains knowledge of its history, new world-views come to light.
Moving a step ahead, we come across the phase of Action in Life. I pondered over and over again that in what way soil was taking Actions in order to stay alive. This question lingered in my mind for long until one day I grasped that at this point the symbolic nature of soil towards societies emerges with a biological existence. Out of Soil God made Man and assigned the task of Action to him, so that it can help the flame of Life to burn with a new freshness.Man is the driving force behind any society and without Man helping his fellow-men, no society can flourish, ruining the whole balance of Life.
A small piece of Land acts as the building block for the entire Universe. The characters it holds are also shared by the universe. This proves that Universe in itself is living and after coming into existence the growth, desire to change and the ability to act are the attributes that guarantees Life.
Stability in the entire Universe can be established only if we all adopt a Loving attitude towards every Life, be it the Life of a single particle of Soil or the Life of those emerging out of it.


  1. This is most candid account of soil. It seems that in God’s creation soil was the most fertile and creative element hence he created Ashraf ul Makhlooq (man) from clay. The creative elements that this soil shows has been very effectively recalled and recollected in this post which amply pronounces the creative mind of the blogger. Thanks for sharing this thoughtful and sparkling post.

  2. @ Akhtar
    very true, but i sometimes think what difference is there between the attributes of soil and fire, because of which God declared Man's supremacy over those created from fire?
    Is there Life in fire too, if yes, what sort of Life is that, and how it contributes in the creation/ destruction of the Universe??
    Thanks for liking the post! :)

  3. The four basic elements that constitute man are air, water, earth and fire, they all are individually also life giving and life sustaining. May be because of the amalgamation of all four man is superior.

    But I think the reason man has been given distinction over other creation is because of the creativity that man has and he exhibits in changing his life and his environment. No other creature has the ability to transform himself as man does. Just look at the first example when Iblees refused to prostrate before Adam on Allah's command and insisted that he was right, but when Adam ate the forbidden fruit he immediately realized his folly and repented. The sense of repentance in Adam has given him edge over all other creation, because this provides him retrospection, reflection and progression, that leads to changing and transforming any given situation which is a hallmark of creativity.

  4. I totally agree with ur point of view.
    Man has the power to control all the basic elements that constitutes him what makes him superior than these elements.
    Also his ability to choose, repent and correct himself helps him evolve and reach heights of knowledge and understanding of God's other creations!
    Thanks a lot for sharing these precious words with me! I m very grateful for that! :)

  5. I want to come back to comment with similar depth. For now, do you mind if I use this photo for a little project?

  6. well said namra
    man z made up of clay brought up by dis soil n ended in soil
    over all if u study a human body u ll come out wid da ans of ur query regarding comparison of fire n soil (clay)
    basically if u read da evolution theory da first organism originated was an ameoboid structured organism wid a number of nucleus n vaculoes n vessicles wid in it; it orginated in soil where water along wid essential minerals was present; further moving 2wards fire n air as well- think of mitocondria
    so i d say man z superior coz he z made up of every thing fire, water, earth, air
    but the major bulk z comprised of soil (think of soil as cells) n water
    perhaps ALLAH titled da origin of man from wet clay ( cells n water) for da reason v ve more ration of clay dan fire n air
    further clay itself z a mixture
    think on dese points if u ve any query v ll disccuss it in more detail
    love u take alot of care

  7. Dear Connie
    u can surely use this pic, i took it from web and i will be very pleased if this pic helps u in ur project :)

  8. Dear Irtiqa
    i m greatly inspired by ur thoughts. Mitochondria 'burns' ATPs, cytoplasm is made up of water and organic compounds (carbon-containing compounds like lipids and carbohydrates). Carbon dioxide from air is used to make these compounds and soil is not only a constituent, it also 'Supports' Plants and in turn animals to stay alive by providing nitrates, minerals and water!! So basically its serving two (or perhaps more) purposes.
    Thanks for coming dear!

  9. I especially found this interesting - the parallels you make between tangible and non-tangible realities: "Land helped man expand his imaginations and discover the treasures of Art, Literature and Music. This aided Man plant his roots well in the medium of Life." Also, I found unique considerations - the way you clearly develop the relationship of compassion to our concrete reality on earth.

  10. Dear Connie
    Thanks a lot. Your reflections always help me understand my own words better :) Thanks for coming!

  11. nice writing..but guess its almost impossible to achieve such stability in universe..

  12. @ majworld
    :) To attain stability requires patience and i think Man has the capability to make possible what is impossible.
    Thanks for coming!

  13. Keep up the really deep and flowing work!

  14. thanks a lot Connie. Reflections from friends like u helps a lot. :)


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