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Happy Birthday, dear Quaid

Today marks the 143th birthday of a man most famously known for accomplishing the daunting and rare task of creating a country, developing a nation and changing the geopolitical boundaries of South Asia for forever!

        Happy Birthday, Quaid e Azam!!!

Each year we pay tribute to you and your selfless struggle for the people of Indian subcontinent. The political solution you offered saved millions of lives from communal attacks and possible civil war in case British had left Indian subcontinent in a haste without paying heed to the wishes of its large minority population!

However this year is special.

Dear Quaid, you must have noticed that just a few years ago on this day we sang the patriotic songs with a heavy heart and crooked voice. Just 4 years ago, after the APS attack we practically forgot how to smile and thought we may never see happiness again!

But even in our gloomiest hour we did not loose hope. We fought multiple wars, not just on the military front but in every sector of life. These wars tested our very faith in the ideology of Pakistan. We were the victims but we were called perpetrators to terror. Our peace efforts since independence were forgotten. The world refused to acknowledge our wounds, our sufferings and our sacrifices.

With Faith, with new found Unity and with a little Discipline we have come a long way forward...
So many obstacles which seemed impossible to cross are already behind us. We have rediscovered the values which bind us as a nation.

The nation is now breathing, thinking, acting and moving forward like a single individual. We have reshaped our goals. The world is slowly acknowledging our international role. We have clearly identified our foes and friends.
Once again we are challenging the odds with a new found zeal and hope which is enabling us to accomplish what is deemed impossible!

This is a new era with new dreams and new goals. Where we want to keep the pledge we made to you
and the nation to create the new world all of us dreamed of.
Let’s hope we can share more good news next year!
Many many happy returns of the day 🇵🇰


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