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Studying the rise and fall of emperors, their empires, riches and armies can be of little benefit to a student of History, with an inquiring mind and healthy approach.

The concerns of a common man, his happiness and sorrows, his morale and his influence over the matters relating to himself,
And the compassionate kindness and compassionate sacrifice exhibited by a community, their perception about their common goals and the strength of their cultural, religious and political hubs defines their place in the book of history.

Studying history and great men of past in such light can help a student reach the source of their power, reasons behind their success/failure and may foster his analytic abilities,
And motivate a community to help steer itself in order to secure for it a reasonable place in the tide of time.


  1. There is no need to disagree with the above stated fact!
    Every man in this world makes mistakes and only great people have the courage and intelligence to learn from them. By reading more about our history we actually learn a lot about life and what it has in store for us, we learn about all those experiences which those great people experienced and it helps us in our self-modification process/evolution for the better future. We can end up being much more wise than we were before !

    Great Post!

  2. Thanks a lot for ur presence and contributing ur words for the post envisioningfututre.
    I feel delighted. Keep coming :)

  3. The court intrigues, the conquests of land and people by emperors and their armies is what is replete in history books and it provides nothing to a common reader, most of the history was written and manipulated by rulers to glorify themselves and their dynasties. Common man is the barometer on which if historical narratives shifts can provide the real story of those times and in eventuality the lessons which would help to move forward unblemished.

  4. In response to both Namrah's post and Dar Sahib's comment, I've been wondering these days if the so-called great leaders, conquests, emperors and armies have had their day and are less important as time goes by? Perhaps they're all having a last fling? Let's pray that America will take a much more humble and less destructive position soon. Let's work toward a day when the common man will demonstrate in a million ways the beauty and riches of a life well-spent, not status, monetary wealth hoarded, land grabbed nor numbers killed.


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