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Universe is a creative product by a Creative Self, and Man is an element having the best sense of creativity among the Creation.

Everything in the Universe conceives and creates. Creation adds diversity of form and behavior which enhances the Beauty of the worlds. At sub-atomic level every instant electrons modify their pattern of movement, creating and destroying polarities, which in turn help change their chemical behavior. Resulting new and unique products add to Creation. Cosmic changes occur, energy and charge distribution changes in the upper atmosphere and we witness a creative movement of the heavenly bodies inside the space.

When creativity reaches the shores of Human mind, it finds a new depth therein. It seems as if Man wants to consume all his energies creating and decorating things. Taking threads of nature and weaving them every time in a new fashion. For Man, inventing things for providing himself with comfort is all but a way to create and appreciate the marvels of Creation. Man can sense and think, have got memory and intelligence hence his creation is without doubt more mature than that of the rest of the Creation. He makes Nature talk to himself in various ways through his creativity. This relation between himself and the Nature brings him one step closer to the Hand which conceived Life.

Man’s creativity has two domains, thoughts and actions. His feelings and circumstances directly affect his creativity. A minor unbalance of his feelings can disrupt the whole cycle of creation, negativity thus over-powering his creative instincts. If hope and happiness are intact, fate comes under his sense of creation. For hope and bliss to be there, one needs to have freedom in his thoughts and approach.

A heart free of all grudges and negativity only can get to the depths of the purity of Life and creation and hence reach the secrets of Soul. A person dependent for his ideas and beliefs on another being has deprived himself of all the bounties Life can give and provide a cause for remaining ignorant all his life. Therefore freedom of thought is vital for a healthy and creative Life.

Life evolved when the Maker established His creation. When Man took his first breathe in this World, he could not but appreciate the wonders Creativity did in bringing him to Life. He developed a quest to know about the secrets of Life and realized that understanding Creativity can lead him to the wonders of Life. Man could sense and feel which aided him in his understanding. His feelings; success, bliss, fear, doubts, hope, love, hatred etc came in new combinations each time, which helped him create diverse thoughts and objects. This creativity when reaches its ultimate heights, can guide Man to the meanings of Life, leaving it to get conquered by Man. Time and Space become dependent to his wand of creativity and at this moment Man reaches the stage which is very near to the Creator.

A portion of the Love of Creator entered His Creation which helped Man understand His Creative instincts and finally conquered Man to bring him back to the One he belongs. The cycle of Creativity is always accompanied by this Love and Universe becomes a bridge for the cycle to complete and the communion to take place.


  1. loved it...especially the last part of the post!

  2. Outstanding analysis of Creativity, and presented in such a way that it is a readable description that one do not find complicated and superfluous.

    Five weeks were a worthwhile wait for such a fine post.

  3. Oh, I just loved this post, while I read it, Namrah. And, yes I totally agree with Sir Akhtar that post is brilliantly written that the span of these five weeks vanished suddenly.

  4. hmm...I always consider CREATIVITY is like fire.... we have fire on HELL too...but fire of HELL only consumes you...

    Th fire of Creativity....Transforms you....

    With every step under pressure of transform yourself...Namrah...

    And you become mature when you become the authourity for your own creativity.

    A very nice...thought provoking post....

    Keep up the good work !

  5. @Rooha
    I am so glad for your presence on my blog. And thanks for ur feedback :)
    Keep coming!

  6. @Akhtar
    Thanks for your motivating and encouraging comment. Your presence has always been a help for me. Thanks :)

  7. @Urooj
    I feel honoured that u consider the post worth-reading. Thanks for your kind words. Please keep coming :)

  8. @Thinking
    I am so thankful for your beautiful and wise words. Love the part that "you become mature when you become the authourity for your own creativity"
    Thanks for taking out time to read and comment. :)

  9. THIS work is MY cup of tea or NOTHING else will be back soon as I'm exhausted from holidays... :)

  10. I was struck by everything in this perfectly classical piece. Even the logical development is smooth, clear and compelling as Dar Sahib pointed out. As you and Thinking both show - there is a new level of creation when the envisioning and the work follows the creators OWN independent vision. I also appreciated your mention that losing grudges and negative thinking (forgiveness plus love?). How appropos to add the need to find optimal freedom for such work. And to end with responsibility to the Divine.

    There's lots here which remind me yet bring in other angles to Safique's work - even his recent mention of INNOVATION as part and parcel of requirements for a healthy society.

    Build on this work and there is NOTHING which can stop you from great strides and beautiful, unique contributions to the world.

    See how this

  11. Thanks a lot for your kind appreciation Connie.
    You have aptly analysed what I meant from 'grudges and negative feelings'. Without the formula of forgiveness+love the sacred art of creation and the precious energies one possess are ruined. A soul free of all bounds creates ideals and can envision a beautiful world ahead of it.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts.

  12. And on a personal note, dear Namrah, I did/do need the lessons and inspiration within your work here again and again - particularly now...So this one amazingly beautiful, true and visceral post will continue to haunt me in all the right ways for along time. Thanx for your big effort and gift to us all.

    Keep this and turn this into something permanent for many to see...

  13. Namrah, the Kahani post is not showing up!

  14. @Akhtar
    The kahani post is still in the form of draft, but mistakenly got published. So I had to remove it. I am really sorry for that.


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