“What color do you like?” “I prefer red.” “But why do u like it? There must be some reason.” “The only reason is that… THERE’S JUST NO REASON” There comes many such moments in our life when ‘There’s just no reason’ behind some of our actions or thoughts. Yet we feel determined to carry them out. This is the point when our unconscious steps in our conscious world and leaves indelible marks on it. Unconscious has a considerable effect on one’s way of life but the nature of the exact relation it has with the conscious self is mysterious. Also the fact that despite having seemingly conflicting nature one’s conscious and subconscious usually go together in an efficient way deepens this mystery further, thus making it more appealing for researches and study. Life is a complete system and the process of living needs every component of that system to work in harmony. That is why we should not consider that the unconscious and the conscious do not supplement each other. ...
Rules of the Caravan: Unity, Faith, Discipline!